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    Flegga Lakes
    At an altitude of 1960m. and 1940m. two stunning ponds up to subalpine highlands mountain in Montenegro Flegga. These lakes are forming the symbol of the region, associated with many legends. Have water throughout the year and in different waters live amphibians like newts (Triturus alpestris) and toads (Bombina variegate, Rana graeca).There are (3) trails leading to lakes FleggaThe first starts from
    Vasilitsa Ski Center
    Set in an enchanting environment in the northwestern part of the prefecture of Grevena, within 42 km. From the capital of the prefecture, in the heart of the immortal Pindos is the National Ski Center Vassilitsa.Set in an enchanting environment in the northwestern part of the prefecture of Grevena, within 42 km. From the capital of the prefecture, in the heart of the immortal Pindos is the National
    Artificial Lake of Aoos
    Aoos is a river of Epirus with a total length of 260 km. 70 km are in Greek territory and the remaining 190 in Albanian. Aoos stems from the Pindos and initially leaked a gorge between the mountains Tymfi and Smolikas. Southwest of Konitsa enters Albania and flows into the Adriatic Sea. At the sources of Aoos, situated at an altitude of 1,340 meters, has built an artificial lake (in 1987) for water

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